Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why this blog? (in depth)

In 2007, just when to-do lists couldn't get any longer, bills couldn't stack any higher, and my days couldn't be packed any fuller, I became pregnant. I did as any highly-emotional, pregnant gal who was over-worked, over-stressed and overly tired would do: I freaked out. I freaked out because I was worried how my husband would respond given our rock band was on the verge of booking gigs and how passionate we were for our extreme sports regimen. I freaked out because though we discussed having babies, we didn't have the money to raise a baby in fashion I had dreamed of. And I freaked out because as a control freak, this presented an entirely new world of worry and unknowns that I did not feel completely prepared for.

Needless to say, despite my nerves and uncertainly, everything had a way of working itself out in a brilliantly harmonious way. However, during my pregnancy, I frantically searched the ethers for information that was applicable to me: a pregnant extreme athlete, drummer, artist, introverted extrovert, spiritual, work-at-home entrepreneur, eco-loving gal with a fine taste for humor, nacho cheese, abstract art, dark chocolate, and live music. I found traditional books and some that addressed babyhood for parents who had a budget for a baby, but nothing that applied to me. I just wanted to find someone that could say: "Hey girl, I know exactly what it is like being in your pregnant shoes because I am like you and I've been there. So take it from me: everything is going to be fine." Instead, I had rich stay-at-home mommies, traditional western practitioners, and male doctors giving me their insights and "truths," making me feel like my alternative and natural choices were alien and wrong.

So here I am, almost two and a half years later still searching for that info and other like-minded moms, finding bizarre occurrences amid "regular" mommyhood experiences, and oddly staying sane (well, that could be contended) during the ups and downs of trying to be me and loving my dear daughter & hubbie among it all. As a result, I am hoping my non-linear, journal ramblings and varying artistic interpretations will help someone else know that: 1.) You are not alone, 2.) yes, you will get through pregnancy/motherhood, and 3.) you can still be yourself AND a good mommy. Love to the Mommies!!

Pls note: The posts of this blog are my journal entries about my life and mommyhood in general, not a medical prescription or sermon on how to live your life. Simply a form of expression and perhaps a call out for collective awareness. If any of this offends you, I suggest you stop reading. :) All art and text is copyrighted by me, myself and I. If you are interested in "reprinting" or any artwork, please contact me through my website at

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